Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time there was a little girl who LOVED to write with all her heart. She would write on everything from placemats in the restaurant to paper bags on the way home from the grocery store to the margins of her church bulletin!

She would write about real things and she would write about pretend things. She would write about political things and she would write about religious things. She would write about animals and stars and her favourite color of paint. She would write about the weather and about plants and about the dirt underneath her fingernails. She would write and write and write. Yes, she would write about any little thing that just happened to come into her mind.

As she got older, she also realized that she loved to travel. So when she graduated from high school she set her writing aside for a little while, and left home to travel the world on her own. She went to Australia and climbed mountains and fed birds out of her hand and learned how to surf. She went to the Fiji Islands and saw schools of tropical fish swiming in the ocean, gorgeous white sandy beaches, and a simpler way of life. She went to Hawaii and learned about coconuts and pineapples and how to work 3 jobs to make ends meet. She went to Europe and ate lots of chocolate and learned about her ancestors and rode trains through the countryside. She also went to several of the US states interspersed through there. She just loved to travel.

But after awhile she decided it was time to start writing again. She had been away for so long that she also decided maybe she should go to college to learn more about writing the correct way, and to give her more learning opportunities, because they always seemed to provide interesting subjects to write about.

While she was in college she met a handsome prince who swept her off her feet.

They were soon married and then babies were coming, and college and writing once again had to be put on the back burner for a later time.

After several years and 4 children, and a house to take care of, the girl began to realize that something was missing. She loved her prince, and she loved her babies, and she loved her life, but something was just not quite right.

SOMETHING was missing!!!!

So the girl went back to college and soon after she got there, she realized exactly what was missing....


Sure she wrote lots of things over the years, like notes to teachers, and grocery lists, and recipes, and questions to ask the doctor and instructions for her husband to take care of the kids on her night out. But she hadn't done any REAL writing in a long time. So she started writing again.

Once again she writes on the placemats at the restaurant and on the paperbags on the way home from the grocery store and yes, even in the margins of her church bulletin!!

And this time she doesn't ever intend to stop!

Yes I want to write about real things, and I want to write about pretend things. I want to write about political things and religious things. I want to write about animals, and stars and my favourite color of paint, and the weather and plants, and the dirt under my fingernails. I want to write and write and write, about any little thing that just happens to come into my mind!